Solve parking problems without towing. Use The Barnacle® to enforce the parking rules and encourage others to follow them.
Enforce the parking rules with your current staff—no additional hires needed. The lightweight Barnacle allows motorists to remove and return the device, reducing your staff’s interaction with motorists.
Safely enforce the parking rules. Use The Barnacle to clear your scofflaw list or as a digital reusable parking ticket. Deploy the device in minutes from a standing position in full view of oncoming traffic.
You’re already on-property. Greatly enhance your value by adding parking enforcement with Barnacle to your offering.
Enforce in a way that’s fair for students. Increase parking permit adoption. Barnacle cars without permits and release the devices once a permit is purchased.
Patient satisfaction and experience is everything. Use The Barnacle to encourage employee parking compliance and more, ensuring your patients always have a spot.
Ensure parking spots are available for your paying customers. Enforce the parking rules with The Barnacle and visually drive compliance.
Expand your revenue by complementing your towing services with The Barnacle. Save time and gas through streamlined operations.
Ensure that your employees are parking where they are supposed to, keeping visitor spots available for job candidates, vendors, and consultants.