29 Jan Greely, Colorado – Solving Problems With Barnacle
Greeley is located in the high plains of Colorado at the confluence of the South Platte and Cache la Poudre rivers. The city is home to over 107,000 residents and attracts almost half a million tourists each year. Home to the University of Northern Colorado, the City of Greeley is a lively and rapidly growing metropolitan area.
In 2019 the City of Greeley overhauled its parking operations. In an effort to improve parking availability in the downtown area, the city created a newly formed Parking Services Division within the Department of Public Works. Acting upon recommendations from their exhaustive 2018 Parking Management Report, Greeley adopted a variety of transformative measures – several directly related to establishing an effective enforcement program. These updates included:
Municipal Code
- Implemented a tiered enforcement system with warnings, citations, and immobilization
- Transitioned appeal process from municipal court to city parking referee
- Created variable parking prices depending on demand and availability
- The Barnacle®
- Passport Technology Suite (enforcement, mobile pay parking, permits)
- License Plate Recognition
- Created parking zones in the high demand areas
- Eliminated outdated tire chalking
- Transitioned from hang tags to license plate permitting
Due to lack of compliance by motorists, availability of parking in downtown Greeley was scarce. With outdated city code, limited technology, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid citations, the city needed to adopt a progressive and comprehensive parking enforcement program.
In combination with Passport’s enforcement software, LPR, and digital permitting, The Barnacle was adopted to ensure compliance and provide a customer-focused modern alternative to towing and booting.
“We have been very happy with not only the product but also customer service provided by Barnacle. It has played a significant role in improving parking availability in our downtown core by ensuring accountability is maintained.”
—Will Jones, Public Works Deputy Director
First six months of operation:
- $45,728 collected
- 368 Deployments
Average Days for a Violator to pay:
- Prior to Barnacle = 53 Days
- Post Barnacle = 18 Days
Over 25% of violations released outside of the normal parking dept. work hours:
- Enables 24/7 enforcement with motorist self-release
- Improves customer experience. No need to wait to have boot removed the next business day