17 Jan Becoming a Barnacle Hero
In every way, The Barnacle® has a transformative effect on entities who leverage it. Sure, it significantly improves parking compliance, helps recoup unpaid fines and lost revenue, and makes life better for residents in the local area in which The Barnacle is deployed.
But one benefit our customers often don’t expect is the credit heaped on them personally for introducing The Barnacle to their organization in the first place.
If you step back a moment, this is easy to visualize: there is life before Barnacle, and life after. With Barnacle, our customers see things like $50K or $150K in outstanding fines collected. Or, there’s a significantly reduced volume of tickets issued in the first place. All the complaints from paying parkers who can’t access a reserved spot are suddenly gone. Transformative, it is.
And who gets the credit for all this? Whose name is mentioned every time your organization and Barnacle are mentioned?
That’s you, my friend.
Enter, The Barnacle Champion
This sure sounds like a sales pitch for Barnacle. Or an ego play. Like, we’re hoping you imagine yourself with a cape, proudly staring off into the sunset, entirely pleased with the newfound success you’ve delivered your organization. But a lot of sales pitches are a load of crap. This one isn’t. This actually happens. We ourselves didn’t even think of this – our clients reported it.
At every Barnacle customer location, there is a Barnacle champion. This is the person that first introduced it to their organization, and made it happen. Many times, they remain our main point of contact, and we chat like old friends about how things are going.
Here’s what Barnacle champion Ted Miazga, Parking Administration Manager for the Cheyenne Police Department offered recently:
“Thanks to The Barnacle, we increased collections by $30,000 and we’ve written 1,000 fewer tickets. We collect more parking fines and write less tickets. It’s win-win for the City of Cheyenne.”
You’re welcome, Ted, and that’s great to hear!
Speaking of Ted, want to hear what more Barnacle champions feel like?
The Barnacle, being disruptive, new and unique, has this incredible appeal. Our customers fall in love with it, and we’ve been surprised at how very proud they are to talk about how it’s helping them, because it actually is. That’s what happens when a product works as advertised, or in many cases, works even better than anticipated.
Our Barnacle champions are the ones who get interviewed on TV, are praised by the mayor, get featured in our own case studies, and even get customer spotlights at our website and events.
Come to think of it, maybe we should get some capes produced and mail them off to our champions. Or maybe koozies?
So after this little tale of how Barnacle creates VIPs everywhere it’s leveraged, we leave you with just one question: are you ready to be the next Barnacle champion?
Barnacle At-A-Glance
The Barnacle uniquely allows for tunable degrees of penalty, allowing you to perfectly optimize your enforceable parking infraction opportunities. If parking is a part of your world, The Barnacle belongs by your side. We invite you to request a discovery call and learn exactly how cities, companies, and organizations exactly like yours are generating revenue, reducing problems, and making their world a better place, one bad parker at a time.