24 Jul A Barnacle Success Story: The University of Kansas
Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in University Parking Lots
“We’ve never had an issue with parking compliance” is not something you hear often from university campus parking officials. Let’s face it, parking non-compliance is a common challenge faced by many universities, and the University of Kansas was no exception.
The shortage of parking spots and the frustration it caused staff and students prompted the university to seek a solution that would help them solve their bad parker problem. This article highlights how The Barnacle®, a smart parking enforcement and compliance device, increased efficiency and improved safety standards, revolutionizing the way the university handles their less-than-perfect parkers.
The Need for a Change
The University of Kansas initially relied on booting as a means of enforcing parking regulations. Believe it or not, they soon discovered that some students would attempt to drive away with the boot still attached to their front tire. Not surprisingly, this caused damage to their vehicles and further aggravated the situation. In response, the university switched to towing as the primary enforcement method. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a great solution either because it led to lengthy waits for tow trucks, escalating tensions between students and enforcement officers, and increased risks for both parties involved.
Barnacle™ to the Rescue
In their quest for a safer, less punitive parking enforcement solution, the university discovered The Barnacle®. This bright yellow device attaches to the windshield, blocking the driver’s view of the road. If, in their infinite wisdom, the bad parker tries to drive with the device (which is unsafe and illegal), the “save you from yourself” safety feature, an annoying and extremely loud alarm, is triggered. What’s even better is that the bad parker can release the device themselves once they’ve paid their fine, eliminating the need for a time-consuming, more costly visit to the tow yard.
We Have a Winner
Since implementing The Barnacle®, the University of Kansas has seen some amazing results:
- Increased Timely Payment and Convenience: Students now have the option to settle their parking fines quickly and conveniently either online or over the phone—no need to walk to a payment center. This is a win for the university as well because a more convenient way to pay has resulted in more timely payment.
- Streamlined Vehicle Retrieval: With The Barnacle, bad parkers no longer have to deal with the hassle of retrieving their vehicles from impound lots or with large towing bills (remember, towing companies usually don’t charge a flat fee for the tow, they tack on retrieval, administrative, and storage fees—to name a few). With The Barnacle, once the fines are settled, the bad parker can return the device to a secure Barnacle Drop Box and still make it to class on time.
- Enhanced Enforcer Safety: Since The Barnacle allows students to release the device on their own, enforcers no longer have to face less-than-happy bad parkers.
By leveraging The Barnacle, the university has reduced frustrations for both staff and students, streamlined the payment and retrieval process, and enhanced the safety of enforcement officers. Can you say win-win-win? The University of Kansas can!